Impractical Jokers Funny Names List Secret Agent Randy Beans

  • In general, any time Sal drops to the floor like a rock because he's laughing so hard, often grabbing onto another Joker and taking them down with him.
  • Every encounter Sal has had with Benjamin. Nothing like seeing a grown man screaming and running away from someone in a cat costume.
    • In a challenge that aired in the "Anniversary Edition" episode, the other jokers put Benjamin in a hotel room closet and instruct Sal to open the door. After Benjamin pops out, Sal jumps on furniture while screaming "Not again! Not again!"
  • For the people who felt sorry for Murr at the end of "Human Pinata" and "Look Out Below," Joe getting his Laser-Guided Karma at the end of the episode "No Escape." At the end, they left him alone on stage the same way they left Murr alone at the end of "Human Pinata".
  • In the episode "Nationals Disaster," Joe's pathetic attempts at gymnastics are so hilarious it causes both Sal and Murr to fall down from laughing so hard. And there's also the girl who keeps giving Joe weird looks and at one point tries (and fails) to pull him out of a foam block pit.
  • In "Beached Bums", one of Joe's challenges was to dress up as a mermaid, fish-tail, topless bod and all, and then flop and roll across the beach from the ocean to get at a plate of donuts. He barely makes it halfway across before he surrenders from exhaustion, and then just as the others give him his donuts he's set upon by a flock of hungry seagulls.
  • The title punishment from "Scarytales", where Q has to read a book he "wrote" in front of a group of children and their parents. A book full of cursing, domestic violence, prostitution, and drug use. Needless to say, the parents start laughing uncomfortably.
  • In "Tooth or Consequences", a challenge was being set up so the four would have to take selfies with strangers. Murr unexpectedly causes his tooth to fall out, causing the others to laugh themselves silly. Murr took the loss for the challenge, only for Joe and the others to remind him that by doing that, he was the big loser for the episode. His punishment? Having to take selfies with strangers, showing off the gap in his teeth.

    Sal: Every once in a while—
    Joe: The stars align and a tooth falls out on the wrong guy.

    • Not to mention it was the second time someone's tooth fell out during filming, the first being Q during a speed-dating event.
  • In the episode "Permanent Punishment," the first challenge has the jokers act as security guards at a pharmacy. During Murr's turn, the man he was playing on was mocking him the entire time. This comes to a head where they have him smell the customer and say "I figured out what stinks in here — it's your pussy!" which causes all three jokers in the back to double over laughing and Murr to cover his mouth immediately. "It just came out," he pleaded, as the man laughed hard, as he did the entire challenge.
    • The eponymous permanent punishment involved Joe forcing the other three to get tattoos, which, according to him, he selected for each of them based on their personalities. Q got "38. Lives Alone. Has 3 Cats." with a picture of a cat, to which Q noted he's turning 39 soon. Murr got a skydiving ferret, in reference to the punishment where he was "screaming like a bitch" just like the ferret on the tattoo. And Sal got...Jaden Smith.

      Sal: That's not real—is this a joke? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ME?!
      Joe: ...It's funny!
      Sal: Why is mine a hundred times worse than that?
      Joe: I don't know if it's worse. His is as bad. He's got a cat—
      Sal: FUCK YOU! You fucking put Will Smith's son on my fucking thigh!

    • The episode featured a "clip a balloon onto a chosen unsuspecting stranger" challenge. After the game ends, the target chosen for the sudden death round decides to play it himself and manages to successfully clip a balloon without his target noticing. The Jokers are appropriately astounded by this and declare him the new winner, complete with him getting his arm raised in victory and the show awarding him the win via the "thumbs up" graphic.
  • One challenge involved interviewing strangers in Times Square with questions provided by the other jokers. Q got an Indian woman who had so much to say that he never got a chance to ask any questions, and he won simply by handing her the microphone and taking a cab out of the challenge area.
  • Though the punishment itself is very much YMMV, Q's Trash Talk at the wrestling match is hilariously nonthreatening.

    "I'm going to copy and paste my opponent into a word document AND THEN DELETE IT!"

  • "Brother-in-Loss" may have one of the best punishments yet. It has to be seen to be believed.
  • One recurring challenge involves a focus group, in which one Joker moderates and the other is to read the answers the moderator wrote for them. In one, Q was the moderator and had Sal seemingly about to quit on the last question, at which point he pointed finger guns at Sal with a big grin on his face. Sal aimed back as he tried to answer, and the two completely stopped pretending that they weren't competing with each other, much to the other focus group participants' amusement.
    • That same challenge had Q accidentally misnaming Sal "Al."
  • Murr shot full of novocaine, barely able to speak without spewing drool, trying to teach a room full of people about foods from around the world.
    • From that same episode, Q is given the task of putting a piece of Hubba Bubba gum in his mouth every time he's told to. The funniest part is what happens on the sidelines moments earlier:

      Murr: (to the camera) I want to show you how big each piece of gum is. (holds up a piece of gum) This is a massive, this is not like— (Joe then knocks the gum out of Murr's hand, and he and Sal just stare at the pavement.)
      Murr: How much would you give me if I eat that?
      (Joe picks up the gum and shoves it in Murr's mouth. Murr then starts screaming as Joe laughs hysterically. Sal, on the other hand...)
      Sal: (takes his headphones out and starts walking away) I'm done. I'm done.

      • From the same challenge, Joe being made to "present his crotch in a grand fashion" to random strangers. He just gets so into it.
  • In "The Blunder Years," one of the challenges involved an actor playing a disgruntled customer walking into the store and splashing them with a cup full of water for something they did to that customer earlier, which they have to ask someone if they deserved that. When it got to Q's turn, the actor accidentally splashed the wrong guy. According to Murr, all he was told was that Q had a beard and a hat. There just happened to be someone else in the store that fit the description. Since the production staff was forced to come out to the store and inform him of his error, the challenge was declared a foul and Q was given the win for free.
  • What Sal is forced to say for a fake survey in "Three Men and Your Baby":
  • Joe dressed up as a baby being forced to fight a professional sumo wrestler. Memorable in that this was the first punishment Joe had where he was truly afraid, and he actually tried to RUN AWAY. Can't call him the Fearless Fool anymore!
  • From "Theater del Absurdo," two words: Surprise Funeral.
    • Two more words: Fake Charity. It actually managed to get a donation.
    • Three more words: Come On People!
    • And then there's Kolonics for Kids.
  • The Adventures of Captain Fat Belly.

    Joe: Attention, everyone not from Staten Island: y'all can SUCK IT!

  • How badly did your titties bounce on "Batman: The Ride"?
    • Even better, the guest who is asked this answers "three to five inches," dead serious.
  • In "Car Sick", Q is asking survey questions to a room of unknown people and Sal. Sal's answers were written by Q.

    Q: Sal, have you ever served jury duty?
    Sal: Yes. I sent a man to die in jury duty, actually. It was a hoot.
    Guy to left of Sal: What did he do?
    Sal: (shaking his head) Unclear.
    Murr: (laughing backstage) You sent a man to die on an unclear circumstantial crime?!

    • Afterwards:

      Q: Sal, how do you give back to the community?
      Sal: I go to kids' schools and rap about my time in jail so they don't make the same mistakes that I did.
      Q: Give a rap.
      (Guy to left of Sal begins beatboxing)
      Sal: Now, don't make the same mistakes I made / Don't get kicked out of grade eleven / and go up to Heaven / Yo, cause you were a fool / When you were in school.

  • In "Enter the Dragons", the punishment for Joe and Sal is that they must be the opening act for Imagine Dragons. While the songs they sing are hilarious in their own right, their speech (written by Murr and Q) might be the best thing in the entire show:

    Sal: We're very happy to be here, opening for the Imagination Dragons.
    (Crowd begins booing)
    Sal: Before we start, guys, I just wrote a very very special dedication, and I hope you guys appreciate it. (pulls out dedication note) To the people of Pittsburgh.
    Murr: We're in Long Island!
    Sal: They were the best audience we've ever played for. We can already tell you guys aren't going to be nearly as good.
    Joe: You're no Pittsburgh.

  • In one challenge from "The Dream Crusher" where the jokers try to present their life stories to be made into biopics, Joe was stated to weigh 19 pounds, 16 ounces (which is just twenty pounds even) at birth, and his gestation lasted 22 months.
    • Also from that challenge, the intro to Murr's leaked "sex tape."
  • From "Joke & Dagger", Sal loudly talking about how much he appreciates art using a Pee-Wee Herman-like voice.
  • At the end of the episode "You're Cut Off," Sal, after having to be forced to cut people off during a beer tasting as a punishment, is told that the punishment is now over and he can have a cold one himself. Instead, he announces "I'm cutting myself off" and proceeds to duck under the table and not come out!
  • In "Stare Master," Joe must go around and stare at people working out. He does it without any problem and never breaks his concentration or laughs while he's staring. Even when he eats a sub sandwich, he still kept going.
  • In "Stripped of Dignity," Q must ask a woman if she's ever gotten freaky with a turkey baster. She said that she hadn't but she was now considering it. Q then proceeds to give this woman his number and it only gets funnier when another woman tries to intervene.

    Woman: Um, I'm not here to try anything...
    Q: Stop cockblocking me, lady.

  • In "The Love Expert," Q and Joe have a debate on which has contributed more to society: reverse osmosis or cold fusion? Not having any idea what cold fusion is, Q says that it's responsible for creating video game systems. Joe retorts that reverse osmosis helped create video game controllers and the debate gets even more ridiculous until a side is chosen with Joe shouting about how people would die without reverse osmosis and Q insisting that cold fusion helps power air conditioners. Q wins the debate.
  • Q and Joe's revenge strategies in a balloon clipping round. It starts early on when Q pops Joe's balloon to get him caught and winning the first round. The second round has Q trying to hook his balloon onto a woman only to be interrupted by Joe throwing a loaf of bread at him to make Q stumble and give Joe the win. It finally ends in the final round where they both clip their balloons on a woman's ponytail holder and Q clips his successfully while Joe gets caught and she discovers both his balloon and Q's, giving Q the final victory and an equally funny victory dance.
  • Murr getting a date while doing a challenge
  • In a recurring challenge, the Jokers have to be receptionists in a waiting room calling out fake names while trying not to laugh at how ridiculous they are.
    • Joe having to call "Avocarter Phuks", reading the latter word as "fooks". He then says he mispronounced it: it's actually "Avocarter Fucks".
    • In the same challenge, Sal tries to hold in his laughter so he'd win but by the end of it, he tries so hard not to burst out laughing that tears actually pour from his eyes! Needless to say, he doesn't hold it in and he loses.

      Sal: (eyes wet with tears) Mother Coconuts?

    • Among the names the guys have called out from the various times they've played this game:
      • Simmy Kantstandyourbitz and Simmy Kantstandyourbitz, Jr.
      • Disfatt Bidge
      • Fidelroyolanda Smackonmytiddyboosters III
      • Uncle Boobs
      • Guy Hutookatit
      • Secret Agent Randy Beans
      • Cleavage McNamara
      • Jabreakit Jabawdit
      • Chug-Chug Pickles
      • Dr. Shrimp Puerto Rico
      • David Krappenschitz
      • Eetwont Flush
      • Faith Bitch
      • Detective Bluto Mindpretzel
      • Cleo Dookieslide
      • Hercules Balls
      • Earl Turlet
      • Professor Milk Dick Ph.D
      • Holden Afart
      • Shirley Itsaboobjob
  • In the "Swim Shady" episode, the guys must get advice on a ridiculous issue from strangers in the park. For Q's turn, he tells a man that he is obsessed with the underground mole people living under New York, but is forbidden by his parole officer from lying on the sewer grates to speak with them. After Q asks whether he should do so anyway, this exchange ensues:

    Bystander: Well, I wouldn't. I know someone who got in big trouble for doing that.
    Q: (shocked) For talking to mole people?
    Bystander: Yeah.
    [Cut to backstage, where all three of the other Jokers are in a complete state of Stunned Silence, with Sal wordlessly walking away while Murr and Joe let loose a near-tandem Big "WHAT?!".]

    • From the same episode, Joe is posing as a receptionist. After falling off of a rubber medicine ball he was using as a chair, he's challenged by Q to fall off the chair, knock over a nearby trash can, make a sandwich (which was a prop from Sal's turn before him) fall out, and begin eating it. Joe does it all, leaving the rest of the group nearly in tears from laughing.
  • One of Sal's punishments had him pretending to be a convict who had served twenty years in prison, under the impression that he would be lecturing a group of teenagers, while wearing blackout sunglasses so he couldn't see anyone's reactions. Unbeknownst to him, he wasn't lecturing teenagers, but rather senior citizens, and he was only allowed to take off the sunglasses once everyone in the room was either laughing or completely baffled. It only got funnier when Sal was forced to say to the crowd, "WHO WANTS A GOOD OLD-FASHIONED FUCKING?!"
  • Five words: GENIE DOES AS YOU WISH.
  • Joe's punishment in "Hitting the Wrong Note," where the other Jokers arrange a fake funeral for a child musical prodigy. Everyone in attendance is Mandarin Chinese speaking their native tongue, so Joe clearly doesn't understand anything from the speech. Joe plays the various instruments arranged for him very poorly, while the "mother" yells at him to stop. Joe is clearly not having a good time desecrating a fake child's memory.
  • Coming soon: Sal Sleeps!
  • Sal gets visited at work by an unexpected guest.
  • In the "Penny for Your Thoughts" game, Sal has to say "Fluoride in the water is giving my son bitch tittays." The phrase makes him laugh so hard that he voluntarily takes the loss.
  • The Jokers get postmodern when they completely censor Murr from the picture.
    • At their challenge at Lids, Joe notices Q wearing a cap with his Twitter handle stitched on the front, so he blurs out the stitching until Q adds Joe's Twitter handle to the cap. Sal then asks to put his own Twitter handle on the screen, only for Joe to bump it off with his own. Murr asks to put up his OKCupid profile, only for Joe to put up bars. Joe then puts a blur on Murr's head, topping it off with bleeping out everything he tries to say. Q and Sal understandably lose it.
  • "I voted for cactus, but nobody cares what this old lesbian thinks."
  • One iteration of the "Now You See Me..." challenge sets a scene where Murr is sitting in a chair wearing a dress. Weird, but not that funny in and of itself. Then, Danica McKellar shows up dressed in a muscle suit, revealing that it's a reenactment of the interview between the two with the roles reversed. To top it all off, the person being given the questionnaire actually turns around and sees what the Joker is watching for the first time.
  • When the Jokers pull out the Wheel of Faces in "Whose Phone Is Ringing?," they decide to pull a fast one on Sal during his turn at the wheel by using an altered wheel with Sal's face on every segment. Sal doesn't notice until after he fires the arrow. They use the all-Sal wheel again later on, and Sal again doesn't notice until it's practically spelled out for him by the crew laughing.
    • During Q's turn, the other Jokers fool around with a mannequin's arm.
  • In "Hump Day," Q's punishment is that he has to spend an unspecified amount of time inside a zoo exhibit with a camel named Pepe. The whole punishment feels like a highlight reel of Q slowly descending into insanity, but the biggest highlight happens right at the end: Q video-chats Joe late at night, desperate to leave... only for Joe to reveal they never actually locked the gate.

    Q: Oh, fuck you. Okay, I'm an idiot.

  • Sal's punishment in "Chick Magnet". It's the simple things sometimes.
  • In "Hell on Wheels", when Murr and Sal are competing to convince a focus group to pick their actor to be the host of a show, they both have the same guy...which, apparently, was a complete mistake. Murr sponsors him as "Roy" while Sal sponsors him as "Rob." When Sal ends up winning, the actor bursts in playing Roy and lambasts Murr. But just before he leaves, he reveals himself to actually be Rob, which Sal claims is further proof of his acting chops.

    Sal: That was my coup de grace!

  • The My Shiney Hiney saga, which started in "Tied and Feathered" and got turned Up to Eleven in "Bleach For America."
  • The punishment for "G. I. Jokers" is that Q's prized Jeep will be destroyed by a tank. However, the other guys will give him a chance to save it, if he doesn't answer three of their questions wrong. The first two given by Murr and Joe are trick questions, and Sal asks Q what the address of their high school is, which Q answers perfectly. Sal then reveals that's not the question he was supposed to ask, and gives him the real question.

    Sal: I'm thinking of a number...from one to two. What number am I thinking of?
    Q: ...One.
    Sal (immediately) Absolutely not.

  • In "Indecent Proposal", the first challenge is to fool a receptionist by going through several disguises. Sal goes first and is called out on his second costume, giving him a score of 1. Everyone else gets a score of 3. Sal demands a retry of his turn and he gets it, though the other guys are all in agreement that he lost and they don't have to watch, so they leave. Sal decides that he's going through with the disguises anyway, and puts himself in a fat suit and the blackout sunglasses. Just as his disguise works, Joe comes in out of nowhere and slaps him, and makes him lose automatically. Q dressed as Marty McFly and Ralph Furley.
  • In "Pantsing with the Stars" the last challenge is teaching Krav Maga. During Joe's turn, his wrists and ankles are taped together and he has to escape it. During his attempted escape, he ends up sharting note farting so hard that he shit himself.
    • And for some reason, it never occurs to Joe to use his hands to un-tape his ankles until the guy he's "instructing" asks if he's not allowed to do it.
    • The episode's punishment. Sal loses (as usual) after refusing to pants someone during his turn teaching Krav and thus has to have a grappling match with Randy Couture , with the goal of Sal pantsing Couture. Naturally, Sal gets creamed and Randy pantses Sal. When it's obvious that Sal isn't going to be able to de-pants Couture, the others tell him to just tap out and end it. After Sal is pantsed, Couture adds insult to injury by casually removing his own pants and dropping them on the floor.
  • The "Murr-athon" punishment: Murr runs across the Brooklyn Bridge in shorts and big floppy shoes in 30-degree weather. Along the way, the production staff throws cups of cold water at him on the walkway. At one point, a bicyclist comments on his shoes.

    Bicyclist: Nice shoes!
    Murr: Thanks, dick.

  • The challenge "Hot Potato", Sal and Murr are passing a small helium tank over a woman, then trading it and the bag Sal carried it in there in between them before the woman offers to help. As soon as she gets it in her hands, Sal and Murr walk away, leaving her holding it and ending the game in a victorious draw. What sells it is Murr coming back to the confused woman, setting the bag on top, and saying "You're gonna need the bag".
  • How the guys set up the "Ferret of Liberty" punishment for Murr. Having just seen Taken, they make him think he's having lunch with his father only for the taxi to drive towards the harbor instead. They call him on his iPad just to tell him he's being punished. The crowner is when he finally discovers the hidden cameras in the taxi.

    Murr: (points to camera) I hate you guys!

  • Joe's punishment where he must find breakaway tables at a restaurant and body-slam them. The other guys trick him into jumping on real ones three times.
  • One of Joe's punishments involved him being in a diaper as part of a diaper commercial... or so he thinks. It turns out he's been tricked into sumo wrestling with sumo champion Byamba.
  • The hide and seek challenge. The boys have to hide in a storage unit from a cleaning lady. Highlights include Sal cursing up a blue streak while hiding in a laundry bin, Q managing to slip out of the room to watch the events unfold through a window in the adjoining room, and Joe calling Murr's cellphone.
  • From Staten Island Holiday Spectacular — specifically, the Focus Group challenge where two teams design holiday toys for each other:
    • Murr vs Q: At first it seems like a shut out for Q, who sets up Murr with the "Anatomically Correct Snowman" (super-realistic body parts to put on/inside a snowman), and he smugly pulls out the toy Murr designed for him, thinking he's going to "wrap this up". Turns out, Murr gave him "Sentient Wrapping Paper" (wrapping paper that screams in pain while you cut it), followed by testimonials from Harry Connick Jr and Joey Fatone (who say they hate it) and Gary Busey (who very creepily loves it). Murray, you sick twisted genius.
    • Joe vs Sal: Similar to Q, Sal thinks he has it in the bag when he gives Joe a game involving colored hard hats and mallets, designed for hitting children over the head. The focus group is not impressed. Sal proceeds to pull out the toy Joe gave him: "The Christmas Worm" (plastic dildos dressed as Santa and an elf). Despite Sal's desperate attempts to salvage things for himself, Joe wins in a shut out.
  • In one challenge, Murr had to put on binoculars, unaware that the other guys smeared black paint all over the rims. This backfired big time when art director Christine tried them out before Murr got a chance to do so. What sells it is Sal looking genuinely scared when Christine yelled, "Oh NO!"
  • "The toilets are up your ass and make a left."
  • "There's a skunk in here."
  • In the Universal Studios special, Q takes part in a barnyard-themed show dressed as a spider for his punishment. He has to continuously fight a cow who is a martial arts master. During a segment where he freestyles, the cow comes back and Q makes a dash for the exit.
  • In one challenge, the Jokers have to steal items and eat them in front of unsuspecting customers. Q taunts a customer who left his cart, saying his grapes are so good. The customer storms to Q and snatches his grapes back.

    Shopper: What the fuck is wrong with you, man?
    Q: Oh, so much.

  • Q accidentally burning his hand during a challenge where he played a hibachi chef.
  • The challenge where the Jokers teach ranch life. Highlights include:
    • Q and Murr telling Sal to fall to the ground twice.
    • Joe lassoing a tree branch.

      Joe: The tree got in the way.
      Man: (not convinced) Right?

    • Joe accidentally whipping his shoulder with a bullwhip.
    • Murr having to imitate the sound a whip makes.
    • Murr losing his hat to a strong gust.
    • Murr putting a saddle on a horse backwards.
    • The bit with Robert.

      Q: Rob and I have a history. I brought a girl on this ranch once. I ain't never seen her again.
      Robert: She needed a real man.

  • Murr flags down two passing hikers to help him bury a teddy bear. The Jokers had implanted a walkie-talkie on the bear, and Sal talks through it with the other device.

    Murr: I haven't done anything unspeakable to this teddy bear.
    Sal: Bullshit!

    • Sal then tries to sway the hikers with "Drop that shovel, motherfucker!" and "I'll come back and get you if you help him!"
  • Joe making Sal laugh simply by saying "fart noise".
  • Murr's segment of the Joker See, Joker Do challenge from "Stare Master". Q had a little girl ask a couple if they could help look for Murr's hair, Sal made her call Murr a "bald asshole" and Joe got both of them to do an Irish step dance. These antics were enough to make Q throw up from laughing so hard. After he stopped, he accidentally spat vomit in Sal's face... and then Sal proceeded to throw up as well!

    Joe: Can you guys get it together!?

  • In the first challenge to involve the blackout sunglasses, Sal is told to stop in his tracks and say, "I can take you in a fight" without running away. Sal hesitates, but he says the line... and runs for the hills. He then takes off the sunglasses to discover his would-be opponent is a street lamp.
  • During a challenge where the guys teach tool usage, Sal has Q show a focus group a Halligan. Q says that firefighters use Halligans for their jobs. Sal then instructs Q to say, "I used to be a fireman." and "I used to be a man."
  • Sal getting a second tattoo of Jaden Smith on his remaining thigh. And with the real Jaden Smith present no less!
  • "Skoopski Potatoes!"
  • Murr quitting his job at the zoo because he can't stand the penguin drama. Watching him scolding a bunch of confused penguins is weird enough, but the kicker is when he asks the audience "Who's with me?" and a random little girl responds "Nobody!" This leads him to start yelling at the audience.


  • A recurring challenge where one Joker asks someone to look at a dating profile created by the others seems to go on normally until Murr, who went first, asks for his to be rated on a scale of 1-10. Murr gets a negative 10, giving the Jokers no choice but to hand him an instant loss for the challenge and the episode.
  • "DON'T STOP LETTING PEOPLE NOT HELP!" AKA, the challenge that broke Sal's brain.
  • In a challenge where Q and Sal teach life hacks, one slide is about stealing coupons from a neighbor's mailbox. Sal says it's how he was able to save $90 on a meal at Red Lobster. Joe does the math with it being a 10% coupon, and he jokingly asks Sal about the $900 bill he incurred there.
  • Sal tries to start a conversation with a woman sitting on a bench as she's starting to eat her lunch. Joe wastes no time ripping him for it.

    Joe: Wait 'till she takes a huge bite, and then start talking to her. Wait 'till she one-throats a fucking Pret a Manger chicken avocado sandwich (Sal starts laughing) and then start the conversation, you fucking idiot. Get up and walk away. Hold on, wait 'till she takes a phone call and tell her, "How about them Yankees?" You fucking idiot. (Sal laughs harder) Look at him! Look at him! He's talking, she's fucking one-throating, and you try to start a convo about the weather? She's fucking going to town on that thing like it owes her money!
    Q: And now, he's just laughing like a joker for no discernible reason!
    Murr: Now you're a grown man crying on a bench!

    • The woman never pays any attention to Sal, in either of his attempts to start a conversation or his laughing fit. Sal just throws up his hands and gets off the bench.

      Joe: That was easy.
      Murr: We didn't have to give him anything!

  • The first challenge that was set at White Castle (in which the Jokers acted as employees) had Q deciding to ham it up when his turn came. In antiquated English, no less.



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